Thursday, February 25, 2010

What's Cheery in the February Garden?

Are you tired of this winter? I am! It's been colder than normal, wetter than normal, and rather dreary - or at least that's how it seems here in the last week of February. Perhaps the problem with my outlook results from spending too much time inside. After all, if you really look there are always cheery things to be found in the garden. Here are three that I found this afternoon.

These Star Magnolia buds! This is always the first tree to bloom in our yard and each year the buds almost get zapped with a late cold snap. So far, so good . . .

This daffodil! I love daffodils and this is the first to bloom this year. So, so cheery!!

And I saved the best for last - look at this great green and orange. This moss and fungi are growing in a wooded area in our neighbor's yard. Just when you think everything is brown, you look down and spot this . . . so perhaps the moral of this story is to look down? Sort of a twist on stopping to smell the roses - looking down to find the unexpected pops of color?

What's cheery in your garden (or world) today?


  1. Beautiful pictures!!! I am so ready for Spring it's ridiculous!!! The cheeriest thing I have to look at today is my bright green Kate Spade. ;)
    A Southern Girl's Online Reading Group

  2. Well, the great thing about Kate Spade is that it won't fade next week!


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